
What is the maximum accuracy that can be achieved with laser cutting?

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First, we need to define what precision is. In the laser cutting machine industry, precision usually refers to the gap between the cut size and the design drawing size. Ideally, this gap should be 0. However, due to various factors (including equipment precision, process parameters, material properties, etc.), there will always be some deviation between the actual cut size and the design size.

Laser cutting accuracy range:

The precision of laser cutting mainly depends on the precision of the cutting equipment and the precision of the cutting process. Generally speaking, the positioning accuracy of the most advanced laser cutting machines can reach ±0.05mm, and the repeat positioning accuracy can reach ±0.03mm, which means that under ideal circumstances, the gap between the cut part size and the design size can be less than 0.05mm, and the gap between the cut size after repeated cutting of the same cutting path for many times can be less than 0.03mm.

However, the actual cutting accuracy is also affected by a number of other factors, including the quality of the laser beam, the cutting speed, the nature of the working material, and the flow and purity of the cutting gas. These factors may cause the actual cutting accuracy to be lower than the theoretical accuracy of the equipment.

The main methods to improve laser cutting accuracy are:

Selecting a high-quality laser cutting machine. High-quality cutting machines usually have higher positioning accuracy and repetitive positioning accuracy, and a better balance between cutting speed and cutting quality.

Optimize cutting parameters. Cutting parameters (including laser power, cutting speed, cutting gas flow, etc.) have a great influence on cutting accuracy. By adjusting these parameters, cutting accuracy can be improved to a certain extent.

Select appropriate cutting gas. Different materials have different needs for cutting gas. Choosing the appropriate cutting gas can improve the cutting quality and thus the cutting accuracy.

In general, the upper limit of the precision of fiber laser cutting machine mainly depends on the precision of the cutting equipment and the precision of the cutting process. Although the precision of laser cutting can reach ±0.05mm under ideal conditions, it may be affected by many factors in actual operation. By choosing high-quality equipment and optimizing cutting parameters, cutting accuracy can be improved to a certain extent.

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