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Detailed Introduction of Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

Laser cutting technology is an advanced metal processing method, which locally heats and dissolves or vaporizes the surface of the metal material by means of a high-energy laser beam, and cuts it with a laser beam of high energy density. Laser cutting machine has the advantages of high precision, high speed, high efficiency, small deformation, low energy consumption, etc. It is widely used in automobile manufacturing, aerospace, electronic communications and other fields.

The working principle of laser cutting machine is to use the high energy laser beam produced by the laser, after the optical system focusing, the energy density is concentrated to a very small point, so that the metal material is instantly heated to a high temperature, to achieve the state of melting or gasification. During the cutting process, the auxiliary gas is sprayed to the surface of the workpiece through the nozzle to blow away the melted metal, thus realizing the cutting purpose. The control system accurately controls the moving trajectory of the laser beam according to the preset cutting path and parameters to ensure cutting quality and precision.

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High precision: the laser cutting machine can realize micron-level cutting precision, with a flat and smooth kerf, which is suitable for the processing needs of precision parts.

Fast cutting speed: laser cutting machine work efficiency, can realize high-speed cutting, improve production efficiency, shorten the delivery cycle.

Small deformation: As the laser cutting machine heats the workpiece in a small area, the heat-affected area is small, so the deformation of the workpiece is small, which ensures the cutting precision.

Wide range of application: laser cutting machine is suitable for cutting various metal materials, such as carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloy, copper alloy, titanium alloy and so on.

Strong flexibility: laser cutting machine can realize a variety of cutting modes, such as continuous cutting, positioning hole cutting, etc., to meet different processing needs.

Laser cutting machine in various industries have a wide range of applications, the following are introduced in the automotive manufacturing, aerospace, electronic communications and other areas of specific applications.

Automobile manufacturing: In the field of automobile manufacturing, laser cutting machine is widely used in the processing of body panels, doors, roof and other parts. Its high-speed, high-efficiency features can improve production efficiency, reduce production costs, while ensuring product quality. Laser cutting machine can realize the complex shape cutting of automobile parts, meet the requirements of automobile manufacturing process, improve the appearance quality of products and market competitiveness.

Aerospace: In the aerospace field, laser cutting machines can realize the processing of high-precision parts such as aircraft engine blades and aircraft structural parts. As aerospace parts have very high requirements for precision and quality, traditional cutting methods are difficult to meet the demand, and laser cutting machines can realize high-precision and high-efficiency cutting to ensure the safety and reliability of the aircraft.

Electronic communication: In the field of electronic communication, laser cutting machine can realize the processing of precision parts such as hand chassis and laptop shell. The design requirements of electronic product shells are diverse, and the laser cutting machine can realize the cutting of various shapes, to ensure the appearance of the product quality and assembly precision, and improve the market competitiveness of the product.

In general, laser cutting technology in the metal processing industry has a broad application prospects, its high efficiency, precision features to meet a variety of complex parts processing needs, improve product quality, reduce production costs, and promote the development and progress of the industry. With the continuous improvement and development of laser cutting machine technology, I believe that it will have a broader application space in the future, for the metal processing industry to bring greater opportunities for development!