
Reasons for unstable cutting of metal laser cutting machine


The unstable situation in the cutting process of the metal laser cutting machine may be caused by a variety of factors. The following are some reasons that may cause unstable cutting of metal laser cutting machine:

Optical system problems: The optical system is a key component of the metal laser cutting machine, if the lens dirt, mirror misalignment or laser head damage and other problems will lead to a reduction in the quality of the laser beam, affecting the cutting quality and stability.

Gas supply problems: Nitrogen, oxygen or other inert gases are used as auxiliary gases during the cutting process. If the gas pressure is too high or too low, the gas flow is unstable or the gas purity is not up to standard, it will affect the stability of laser cutting.

The surface of the workpiece is uneven: the surface of the workpiece is not smooth enough, or there is dirt such as oil and dust, which will affect the focal length of the laser beam on the workpiece, resulting in unstable cutting.

Laser power instability: The fluctuation of laser source power will directly affect the cutting quality, if the laser power is unstable or fluctuation is large, it will lead to uneven cutting quality.

Machining speed is not suitable: cutting speed is related to the type of material, material thickness, laser power and other parameters, if the processing speed is not appropriate, it will lead to cutting instability.

Improper focal length adjustment: The distance between the laser beam and the focus has an important impact on the cutting effect. If the focal length is improperly adjusted, the cutting depth and slit width will be inconsistent.

Lens cleaning is not thorough: lens surface pollution, dust or fingerprints will affect the light transmission of the lens, reduce the transmission efficiency of laser energy, thus affecting the cutting quality and stability.

The workpiece is not fixed firmly: in the cutting process, if the workpiece is not fixed firmly or the vibration is large, the cutting position will be offset, affecting the cutting accuracy and stability.

Cutting parameters are set wrong: cutting parameters include laser power, processing speed, focus position, etc. If these parameters are set wrong, it will directly affect the cutting effect and stability.

Water cooling system failure: The laser cutting machine uses a high-power laser and needs to be equipped with a water cooling system for heat dissipation. If the water cooling system fails, the laser temperature will increase, which will affect the stability of the laser source, and then affect the cutting quality.

Machine tool structure problems: If the machine tool structure is unstable or loose, it will also lead to vibration or displacement of the laser cutting machine during the working process, affecting the cutting quality and stability.

The operator is not skilled: the operator is not skilled enough in the operation technology of the laser cutting machine, and does not understand the characteristics and use methods of the laser cutting machine, which can also easily lead to unstable cutting.

In general, the cause of unstable cutting of metal laser cutting machine may involve the optical system, gas supply, workpiece surface, laser power, processing speed, focal length adjustment, lens cleaning, workpiece fixing, cutting parameter setting, water cooling system, machine tool structure, operator technology and many other aspects. Operators and maintenance personnel need to have a full understanding of these problems and take appropriate measures to solve the problem to ensure the stable operation and cutting quality of the laser cutting machine.

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