
Fiber Laser Cutting Machine VS Carbon Dioxide Laser Cutting Machine

laser cutting (1)

In the field of laser cutting, fiber laser cutting machine and carbon dioxide laser cutting machine are two common equipment. They have their own advantages and disadvantages, the following we will compare their characteristics, see who is better.

High power density: fiber laser cutting machine has a high power density, can be in a short period of time on the material to cut a large area.

Cutting speed: fiber laser cutting machine cutting speed than carbon dioxide laser cutting machine faster, can improve productivity.

High precision: the precision of fiber laser cutting machine is higher than that of carbon dioxide laser cutting machine, which can meet the demand for high-precision cutting.

Easy to operate: fiber laser cutting machine operation is relatively simple, easy to master.

Wide range of application: carbon dioxide laser cutting machine is suitable for cutting a variety of materials, such as metal, non-metal.

The price is relatively low: carbon dioxide laser cutting machine price is relatively low, for some small and medium-sized enterprises more attractive.

Good stability: the stability of carbon dioxide laser cutting machine is good, and can run stably for a long time.

Simple maintenance: carbon dioxide laser cutting machine maintenance is relatively simple, easy to maintain.

Comparative analysis

Power density and cutting speed: fiber laser cutting machine in the power density and cutting speed has an advantage, can improve productivity.

Precision: fiber laser cutting machine is more accurate, can meet the needs of high-precision cutting.

Scope of application and price: carbon dioxide laser cutting machine has a wider scope of application, the price is relatively low, suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Stability and maintenance: carbon dioxide laser cutting machine stability and maintenance is relatively good.

In summary, fiber laser cutting machine and carbon dioxide laser cutting machine have their own advantages and disadvantages. For the need for high-precision, high-efficiency production enterprises, fiber laser cutting machine may be more suitable; for small and medium-sized enterprises, carbon dioxide laser cutting machine may be more cost-effective and applicability. When choosing, you need to consider according to the actual needs of the enterprise and budget.

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