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Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

A fiber laser cutting machine has been one of the best and most-used machines and equipment in the laser welding industry. So, in this guide, we’ll go ahead ad give you a few of the things and factors that make it an important piece of equipment in various industries.

In today’s guide, we will get you everything you need to know about fiber laser cutters. From what they’re made of, what their advantages and benefits are to the specific business sectors and industries that use them – we got ‘em all for you!

What is Laser Cutting?

The use of a concentrated laser beam to accurately cut or etch materials is known as laser cutting. From the term alone, you’d already figure what it is and how it’s used!

The procedure involves aiming a powerful laser beam onto the surface of a workpiece or a material. This warms and melts or vaporizes the substance at the focal location.

Furthermore, the creation of complex and accurate cutting patterns or forms are controlled by a CNC or a computer numerical control system, most of the time.

Check this video out that discusses the basics of laser cutting!


What is a Fiber Laser Cutting Machine?

In order to carry out accurate and effective cutting operations on a variety of materials, a fiber laser cutting machine uses a fiber laser source.

Here’s an example of what a fiber laser cutting machine looks like partnered with a CNC machine:


Using this flexible fiber optic connection, the fiber laser transmits a powerful, high-energy laser beam.

In comparison to other laser cutting techniques, this technology provides superior beam quality, fast cutting rates, and increased energy economy.

Is Fiber Laser Better Than a CNC Machine?

Since they have various functions, comparing a fiber laser to a CNC machine is not totally accurate. Any machine tool that is computer-controlled by the name “CNC” (Computer Numerical Control) machine.

Contrarily, a fiber laser is a particular kind of cutting technology utilized in CNC machines to cut exact pieces of material.

Therefore, they’re really incomparable. What we can do, though, is highlight each of them so you gain a better understanding what each of them are for.

CNC Machines

CNC, short for computer numerical controlled machines may perform a variety of tasks, such as milling, drilling, turning, and other operations. It is possible to shape, sculpt, and create intricate shapes with CNC machines.

You can use it in a wide library of sectors and industries – not just in a single, specific kind.

Fiber Lasers

For their cutting skills, fiber lasers are highly acclaimed.

They provide benefits including high accuracy, higher cutting rates, and the capacity to handle a variety of materials with outstanding edge quality.

Moreover, work particularly effectively with materials of thin to medium thickness, such as metals and alloys.

Instead of comparing them, why not think of it like this – in CNC machines, fiber lasers are a useful component, especially for laser cutting applications.

Comparing fiber lasers to CNC machines as a whole would mean contrasting a particular technology with a larger class of machines, each of which has a distinct function in the manufacturing and machining industry.

What is the Price of a Fiber Laser Cutting Machine?

Fiber laser cutters aren’t a stranger to variation. This is the reason why the rates and prices you’ll find will vary and differ greatly. Typically, the cost of a fiber laser cutting equipment can range from tens of thousands to several hundred thousand dollars.

The cost of entry-level or compact fiber laser cutting devices can range from $30,000 to $50,000. Mid-range machines can cost between $80,000 and $150,000 and have more power and bigger beds. High-end or industrial-grade fiber laser cutting machines can cost $200,000 or more and include cutting-edge features, greater power, and overall bigger bed sizes.

Check this video out by Laser Everything. It’s from 2021 but prices haven’t changed a lot since then.


What is the Step-by-Step Process of Operating a Fiber Laser Cutter?

Here’s an easy, quick, and concise step-by-step process of using or operating a fiber laser cutting machine.

Step #1: Preparing the Project

The first step, of course, is to make sure the workspace is unobstructed and uncluttered. Prepare the material for cutting, and if required, firmly fasten it to the cutting table.

Step #2: Turning the Power On

When everything’s set and prepared – it’s game time! Turn the accompanying systems on, including the chiller and exhaust, as well as the fiber laser cutter.

Step #3: Aligning the Materials (and the Machine)

Then, on the cutting table, place and secure the material by precisely aligning it. Be precise and accurate on the alignment of the materials because this can lead to total inaccuracy.

Step #4: Setting of the Machine Parameters

After that, the next step would be to enter the required cutting parameters. The parameters we’re saying include cutting speed, laser power, and assist gas settings, using the control panel or software interface.

Step #5: Adjusting the Focus

The next step would be adjusting the focus. For the best cutting results, place the laser focal point correctly. Both manual and automated focus systems are commonly available for this.

Step #6: Do Test Cuts to Ensure Quality

To confirm the cutting settings and guarantee the expected outcomes, do a test cut on a tiny portion of the material.

NOTE: Avoid starting the operations without test cutting. Remember, it’s better and more efficient for fiber laser cutters to work continuously than for them to be turned on and off simultaneously.

Step #7: Start or Begin the Cutting Process

When the parameters are ready and the test cut is successful, start the cutting operation by turning on the laser. To maintain quality, keep an eye on the cutting process and modify the settings as necessary.

Step #8: Inspect and Assess

The last and final step would be to check and assess the parts and components created. You want to make sure that the quality is there. Moreover, it’s also worth checking if the machine is up to the standard and if it is efficient with the settings you have set.

This is the detailed step-by-step procedure of how a fiber laser cutter is used. Of Some manufacturers might not agree with this, and we can’t blame them! Not all fiber laser cutting machines are produced and manufactured in the same way – this is just a general method.

Advantages of Using a Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

Of course, you would expect that machines and equipment as big and as exemplary as this would give you certain advantages and benefits.


To tell you, the following are what’s most commonly recognized:

Flexible and Versatile

The first and probably the best would be the flexibility. Fiber laser cutting equipment can work with a variety of materials, including composites, plastics, metals (including steel, aluminum, and stainless steel), and more.

Moreover, they’re excellent for a variety of industries and applications, thanks to their adaptability!

High Precision and Accuracy

Because of the outstanding beam quality that fiber lasers offer, cuts are clean and accurate. They are appropriate for a variety of applications that need for high accuracy since they can produce fine features and tight tolerances.

Less and Minimal Waste

The fiber lasers’ ability to cut precisely reduces material waste while also improving material consumption and saving money. When working with pricey or important materials, this is very advantageous.

Faster and More Efficient

The rapid cutting speeds of fiber lasers make for effective and productive operations. Compared to conventional cutting procedures, this leads to a shorter manufacturing time and higher throughput.

No Contact Cutting

Fiber laser cutting does not involve any direct physical contact between the cutting material and the laser beam. This decreases the possibility of material distortion or damage and removes the necessity for tooling.

Low Costs of Operation

Compared to other cutting technologies, fiber lasers are more energy-efficient and use less power. They need little upkeep, which over time lowers operating expenses and raises cost-effectiveness.


It is simple to incorporate fiber laser cutting equipment into CNC systems or automated production lines, resulting in a smooth workflow integration and higher productivity.


Using a fiber laser to cut is a safe, efficient method. It is a sustainable cutting option since it emits little fumes, dust, or contaminants.

These are the advantages or the pros of using a fiber laser cutter. Now, to balance it out, here’s a list of the cons or the drawbacks!

Disadvantages of Using a Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

We can’t run around and say that fiber laser cutters are perfect machines. Like many others, there are too few things to note and consider, too.

Expensive and Lucrative Initially

Compared to other cutting methods, fiber laser cutting equipment usually have a greater starting cost. The more expensive price point, which may provide a financial barrier for certain organizations, is a result of the more sophisticated fiber laser technology and components.

Repairs are Complex and High-Maintenance

Fiber laser cutting machines include sophisticated optical systems and components, therefore maintaining and repairing them requires specialist knowledge. It could be required to rely on skilled professionals or service providers in the event of failures or malfunctions, which could result in lengthier downtime and more expensive maintenance.

Security and Safety Considerations

Fiber lasers produce a powerful laser beam that, if not handled carefully, can be dangerous to users. To guarantee safe operation and reduce the possibility of accidents or injuries, adequate safety measures, such as protective enclosures, safety interlocks, and operator training, are essential.

Material Limitations

Copper, brass, and aluminum are examples of highly reflective materials that fiber lasers are sensitive to. The reflecting surfaces could impair the cutting quality or harm the laser parts by causing back reflections or beam deflection.

For reflective materials and workpieces, using anti-reflective coatings is essential.

At first, you may think that these fiber laser cutters are all rainbows and butterflies – they’re not. But hey, the pros outweigh the cons heavily as these cons are workable.

What Materials Can a Fiber Laser Cutter Cut?

Fiber laser cutters are versatile and flexible that it can cut and slice through a wide array of materials, which include:

  • Metals
  • Wood
  • Fabric and Textiles
  • Composites
  • Foam

NOTE: For plastic, it’s not recommended to use fiber laser cutters. Why? Because instead of cutting, lasers would tend to melt it. This can result in a fire that could be a haphazard to the entire vicinity.

Where Do You Use Fiber Laser Cutting Machines?

Fiber laser cutters are extremely versatile that you can use them in many different industries. We say this because many businesses and organizations globally heed and decide to move to it from whatever cutting process they have now.



To list the most common sectors and industries, they are:

  • Aerospace and Aviation Sectors
  • Automotive Industry
  • Electronics and Electrical Industries
  • Furniture Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Jewelry Making and Manufacturing
  • Medical Device Manufacturing
  • Metal Fabrication
  • Packaging Industry
  • And Many More!

NOTE: These aren’t everything – they are just the most common! You’ll find other industries using fiber laser cutters, engravers, welders, and many other laser machines!

Can You Use a Fiber Laser Cutter to Cut Plastic?

Yes, cutting plastic materials is possible using a fiber laser cutter. Fiber lasers are adaptable and efficient in cutting several different kinds of plastics, including acrylic (PMMA), polycarbonate (PC), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), ABS, and PVC.

Although fiber laser cutters are capable of efficiently cutting plastics, it’s crucial to keep in mind that some polymers, like PVC, may emit dangerous fumes when cut with a laser.

Why is Cheeron Laser Your Best Option For Fiber Laser Cutters?

For years, Cheeron Laser has been in the market of providing high-quality fiber laser cutters and other cutting types, offering them to businesses and organizations all over the world.

When it comes to quality machines, you will never experience any trouble working with us here at Cheeron Laser. We manufacture world-class quality equipment without burning a hole in your pocket! Trained with more than 5 decades of combined experience, we are more than confident that we’ll be able to bring you high-caliber fiber laser cutters without a sweat!

  • All our prices are competitive – from the service to the machines themselves
  • You can bank on us if you need a complete and thorough procedure
  • Everything under our belt is OEM
  • We offer one year of warranty
  • Installation guides, relocation, even modification will be given upon request

Contact us and get the fiber laser cutters you always wanted to have! Reach out to us and get a free quote!