
Kerf Laser Cutting: A Solution to Today’s Manufacturing Processes

Kerf laser cutting has been one of the most-looked at processes in manufacturing and fabrication today. So, in this guide, we’ll not bring you a shortage of information. We’ll be discussing everything about kerf laser cutting to the brim!

But for us to better understand its efficiency and effectiveness, let us first find and dissect everything in the term “kerf laser cutting.”

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Understanding Kerf Laser Cutting

The kerf laser cutting process wouldn’t be of importance if kerf itself is not a cause for concern. You see, by definition, kerf refers to the material removed using a cutting or a subtractive process or the width of the cut.

Here’s a quick example: you take a workpiece, let’s say, a piece of metal. Then you try cutting it with plasma, waterjet, and laser. All of them will have different widths, and in this scenario, plasma would be the one with the largest kerf, followed by the waterjet, and finally the laser.

Ever heard the statement that lasers cut accurately and precisely, most of the time when a robot is controlling it? That’s true. But what’s important about it? What makes it special if I wanted a large kerf?   

What’s the Deal With Kerf Cutting Anyway?

So, in the kerf laser cutting process, kerf is the gap that’s created when a laser beam hits a workpiece. Different cutting tools produce different kerfs, different widths, and controlling it is an essential ingredient to achieve perfect, flawless cuts in complex designs and structures.

The answer is simple–material waste minimization and ultra-high precision. Many industries would want to leverage kerf laser cutting processes due to the high accuracy it offers. Kerf laser cutters are used in industries and sectors that require highly accurate and precise cuts, as well fast operations.

Let’s take a look at the business industries that choose kerf laser cutting over traditional cutting methods.

Here’s a quick video that discusses the differences between thin-kerf and full-kerf in saw blades! This is for you to better understand kerf and its relevance in laser cutting.

Applications of Kerf Laser Cutting

Kerf laser cutting is known by many manufacturers in various industries. But the most common of them would be in the following:

  • Aerospace and aviation industries
  • Automotive industries  
  • Medical device manufacturing
  • Engineering and architecture industry

These are not the only sectors that benefit a lot from laser kerf cutting, there are others more! What do they all have in common–they require precision and accuracy. Imagine aerospace or aviation machines having a kerf one inch too thick, the fitting wouldn’t be exact, and, therefore, can cause problems with its operations.

The Benefits of Kerf Laser Cutting

In laser kerf cutting, it’s imperative to understand how it benefits the fabrication or manufacturing process.

Accurate and Precise Tolerances

Grasping the concept of laser cut kerf, which is the width of the laser beam’s cut, is essential for precise production. This understanding helps maintain tight tolerances, preventing errors. It also promotes efficient use of materials, minimizing waste and reducing costs.

Mastery of kerf width allows for the fine-tuning of designs tailored to specific materials using laser cutting technology.

Highly-Customized and Specific Designs

Knowing how various materials respond to lasers helps designers make their work custom or specific to their project. Material have varying properties distinct from each other.

By recognizing these variations, designers can easily fine-tune their designs and customizations for each specific material. Moreover, they can be sure of the best possible outcomes for their final results.

Material Maximization

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Another benefit that laser cut kerf helps with would be in the use materials efficiently. Because there’s no chipping, waste is minimized through optimized layouts.

The accuracy and precision ensure that the machine accurately processes materials, achieving the desired focus position. And the result? Reduced material costs and a smaller environmental footprint, supporting sustainability efforts.

Less Carbon Footprint

Following material maximization, laser kerf cutting provides less carbon footprint, which lessens environmental impact. It helps the environment, plus it allows your business to be seen in the greater good.

These are just a few of the benefit of laser kerf cutting. There are others, but those would often be specific to the industries you would be using them for.

Kerf Width Laser Cutting

The kerfs produced by laser cutting aren’t all equal. In fact, the width will depend on the laser cutter per se. You see, a typical laser cutting kerf would range between 0.08mm to 1mm. This number can go higher if the workpiece or the goal permits, and lower if it needs to be more precise, more accurate.

So, we really can’t give you a specific number for a laser cutter’s kerf as it will vary. You can refer to the specifications of the laser cutter to see the information about the kerf it will produce or better yet, you  can ask your manufacturer about it.

Laser Kerf Cutting at Cheeron Laser

At Cheeron Laser, you’ll get what you’re looking for. Over the years, we’ve spent all our energy in making sure that you get the best and highest quality of laser machines and equipment.

We pride ourselves on using not just the latest, but also the best laser cutting technology, helping to achieve precise kerf cuts. Here at Cheeron Laser, it doesn’t matter where you’re located or what business you’re running – if you need help with kerf laser cutting, we got it all for you!

A Big Spend or a Worthy Investment?

Cutting machines like this operate around the clock. Why? Because they ensure swift and urgent turnaround times, as well as cost-effective solutions. At Cheeron Laser, we are fully committed to excellence in metal profiling, continuously progressing and developing our technology to offer not just the best products, but also the best service to all our customers.

By leveraging our advanced laser cutting capabilities and Smart Design Production, we reduce material waste, component volume, and complexity, overall.

Our rich experiences allow us to perform advanced and precise cutting techniques th9at accommodate a wide range of materials and thicknesses. Thanks to our advanced laser cutters, we’re guaranteeing high-quality results for every project you wish completed.

We can professionally handle a wide library of metals, as well as film-coated surfaces. Sizes can go as high as 4000*68000mm, with thicknesses that can go up to 120mm.

Why Businesses Love Our Kerf Laser Cutting Procedures

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At Cheeron Laser, we prioritize your needs. We’ll be more than glad to help you with whatever your projects are. We have full knowledge that accuracy, precision, and efficiency are crucial to the success of your project and business, so, we’ll do what we can to get you top-quality products and services.

Our entire team will closely work with you, providing expertise, experience, and carefully-tailored suggestions that will bring you closer to success.

If you’re interested on how you can get world-class laser cutting products and services, reach out to us today. We’ll get you a free quote under no obligation. You will always have a place in us as we will treat your business like our business.

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