
Four Tips For Extending The Life Of Your Laser Cutter.

How to extend the life of your laser cutting machine?


1. Regular cleaning

The core components of the laser cutting machine are:

· Transmission system

· cooling system

· Exhaust system

These 3 parts must be maintained periodically to prolong the service life of the laser cutting machine.

①. Regarding the cooling of the pipes, most people recommend changing the water every month, while we suggest that it is best to change the water every week. Regardless of the cycle, deionized water should be used to prevent deposits from forming in the tubes.

②. Air extraction is essential. The extraction operation removes fumes, gases and particles. In addition to keeping parts clean, the cleanliness of the exhaust system is also important to avoid deposits forming on the entire machine (eg on the belt). Such deposits can form a flammable layer. High-end machines are generally equipped with an extraction unit with a filter. The lower-priced models have only one low-power fan. In this case, it might be worth adding a better extractor to it. Therefore, weekly pumping is recommended.

③. As for the transmission, i.e. X axis and Y axis, it must also be kept clean. It is also recommended to wash once a week. The X-axis beam can be cleaned with a soft cloth or cotton swab moistened with alcohol or similar neutral solvent. Also, try cleaning the inside of the X-axis beam, where the rails run.

2. Place the machine in the best environment to prolong the life of the laser cutting machine

Where is the best working environment for a laser cutting machine? Since the cutter is sensitive to changes in air temperature, you must protect it from high summer temperatures and low winter temperatures.

Therefore, the ideal environment is:

· Heating in winter. Otherwise, if the temperature drops sharply, the lifetime of the laser may be shortened;

· Keep away from high temperature. If you use water-cooled equipment, keep it as far away from the machine as possible;

· Dustproof;

· Make sure you place the machine horizontally.

3. Properly use your machine

In order to prolong the service life of the laser cutting machine, it is best not to sample randomly.

4.Pay attention to the impact of materials on the cutting machine

You may know that some materials are not suitable for laser cutters, such as PVC, carbon or artificial leather. It’s not that cutters can’t cut them, but they can be affected by the toxic fumes they emit, causing damage.

In addition, some materials generate a lot of dust and fumes, which can affect the life of the machine. such as minerals and glass. We have tested bottles and stones for marking and the process produces a lot of fine dust. Therefore, good cleaning is essential.

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